Email from Jason Cook
It is a Brill Model 55. Last time I checked their website, I believe it said it was due out this summer. the Unadilla Valley, Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville, and I believe one other 'local' road had them too but it's eluding me at the moment. On the Class 1 side of the house, I seem to recall that the NYC had them and the D&H is listed as having one but there is no record of it appearing on the D&H roster so it is speculated that it was actually the car pictured here, the G&J #10, as the G&J was a subsidiary of the D&H.
Email from Gino
Greenwich and Johnsonville are in Washington and Rennselaer Counties of NY.
The G&J was a short line that ran between the two villiages and also connected with the B&M at Thompson (Also a stop for the Hudson Valley) and the D&H at Greenwich Junction (Salem).
The D&H bought the line, but kept the corporate title. The original line between Greenwich and Johnsonville was abandoned in 1933, but the line between Greenwich Junction and Greenwich and Thompson remained until 1983 when it joined the D&H's former Washington Branch in becoming the present day Battenkill Railroad.
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