Monday, November 5, 2007

United Traction Company #820

At Quail St Car barns.

#4 Pine Hills.

Archive ID# 68.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Friday, November 2, 2007

United Traction Company #806

As originally built for "A" Belt Line in Albany.

Archive ID# 65.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

United Traction Company #702 at North Troy Barns

702 North Troy Barns.

Burned at North Troy, Sat Nov ? 1933.

Sign Reads Adams & River St

Builder Jones 1906.

Length 41' + 6in.

Trucks Brill.

Motors 4-14H68C.

Controller K-35.

Partially rebuilt.

Folding Doors but otherwise original.

Archive ID# 60.

Monday, October 29, 2007

United Traction Company #601

Built by the J. M. Jones Son's Company.

Archive ID# 52.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Saturday, October 27, 2007

United Traction Company #651 and #650

Built 1918 from Hudson Valley Open Class Equipped - as shown for MO operation to U.S. Army Arsonal, Watervliet. After World War I removed.

Archive ID #48.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Railroad Trolley #200

{These are a couple of the Brill Model 55 gas cars purchased by the FJ&G in 1920. These cars were in service mostly on the Northville branch of the FJ&G, but there were pressed into mail-service on the FJ&G between Gloversville and Fonda.

One of the cars pictured, number 202 was loaded on a flatbed and transfered to Troy, NY in 1955. A purchaser was going to use the car for work crews who worked scrapping railroads. Not sure if if ever happened. The final fate of this car was being flattened by a bucket loader. It resided from the mid 1950's to the year 2000
in Grafton, New York, just south of Troy. If you've ever traveled Route 2 to Grafton State Park, you may have remembered seeing an old railroad car sitting in the bushes.

It stayed there until the town highway department decided to move it and drop it in a dumptser.

Other cars from this purchase ended up on the island of Cuba. I'm not 100 percent sure, but one of them may remain in service in Cuba.}


Archive # 5,411.

{This image is a run of the new Model 55 Brill Gas cars to Sacandaga Park in Northville. The FJ&G's board of directors are the passengers. Date around 1920. These cars replaced steam passenger service on the Northville Branch of the FJ&G railroad.}


Archive # 5,409.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville Railroad #202

{These are a couple of the Brill Model 55 gas cars purchased by the FJ&G in 1920. These cars were in service mostly on the Northville branch of the FJ&G, but there were pressed into mail-service on the FJ&G between Gloversville and Fonda.

One of the cars pictured, number 202 was loaded on a flatbed and transfered to Troy, NY in 1955. A purchaser was going to use the car for work crews who worked scrapping railroads. Not sure if if ever happened. The final fate of this car was being flattened by a bucket loader. It resided from the mid 1950's to the year 2000
in Grafton, New York, just south of Troy. If you've ever traveled Route 2 to Grafton State Park, you may have remembered seeing an old railroad car sitting in the bushes.

It stayed there until the town highway department decided to move it and drop it in a dumptser.

Other cars from this purchase ended up on the island of Cuba. I'm not 100 percent sure, but one of them may remain in service in Cuba.}


Archive # 5,407.

Archive # 5,406.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Connecticut Company Trolley #275

Bridgeport Division car on Fairfield Ave. at City Line, about 1912.

Archive # 3,045.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Monday, July 9, 2007

Sunday, July 8, 2007

San Francisco, California - Cable Cars

San Francisco, California
Cable Cars

San Francisco cable cars retain their place in the affections of residents and vistors alike.

Photo Courtesy Pan American Airways

Archive # 1,788.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Canadian Railway Museum Trolley "Rocket"

Canadian Railway Museum
Delson - St. Constant, Que.

"THE ROCKET," the first electric streetcar to operate in Montreal, was built in St. Louis, Mo. U. S. A. in 1892. The Rocket carried passemgers until 1914 when it was retired and is now on permanent display at the Canadian Railway Museum.

Archive # 1,787.

Friday, July 6, 2007

San Francisco Cable Car

San Francisco

The famous cable car, a number one attraction to all visitors, has been retained by the city fathers for it quaintness.

Archive #1,786.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Dusseldorf, Germany Trolley Car 955 at National Capital Trolley Museum

Car 955, from Dusseldorf, Germany, built in 1928, seen at the National Capital Trolley Museum, located on Bonifant Road, between Layhill Road and New Hampshire Avenue, north of Wheaton, Maryland, December 6, 1969.

Photograph by Paul J. Dolkos

Archive # 1,921.